

Page history last edited by Rog Rydberg 13 years, 1 month ago


Northwest Neighbors for Peace

 came together in 2005 to bring informative, stimulating programs on peace, justice and the sustainability of our planet to the Northwest suburban area of the Twin Cities.  We are dedicated to pursuing non-violent alternatives in every area where conflicts arise, promoting social justice and tolerance, conserving natural resources, and protecting human rights in our cities, state, country and world. 

We are an inclusive group and welcome all who are interested in joining with us.

Though Peace is inherently both a political and moral issue, we do not endorse or represent any political party or candidate, nor are we aligned with any specific religious denomination.

 For additional information email:  nwn4p@yahoo.com


  Click here to view your 30 Boxes calendar




Fighting Terrorism With Schools 

Other websites, pbwikis and wikis of interest:

US Seeds New Crops to Supplant Afghan Poppies


 The time is past when good people may be silent


Jesus at Guantanamo Books


Iraq Troop Withdrawal


Iraq War Resister


End The War In Iraq


POWs Left Behind In Vietnam


Why Are We Still At War


Steps For Solving Middle East Conflict


NWNeighborsforPeace Yahoo Group, groups.yahoo.com/group/NWNeighborsforPeace

Neighbors for Peace, www.neighborsforpeace.org

Minnesota Neighbors for Peace, www.mnneighbors4peace.org

Merriam Park Neighbors for Peace, www.mppeace.org

Letters for Peace, Iraq/USA, www.lettersforpeace.pbwiki.com

Star Tribune Story :Star Tribune


CNBC VIDEO Obama Nobel Peace Prize



To explore any of these websites just click on the 'link" (underlined).



 New counter from June 15, 2008.  Previous count:  650


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